Burial Insurance For Parents: 2023 A Complete Guide

Last Updated on: October 27, 2023

Reviewed by Kyle Wilson

Burial Insurance For Parents 2023 A Simple Guide

The loss of a parent is an emotionally challenging experience, and in such moments, the last thing you want to worry about is the financial burden associated with funeral and burial expenses. Burial insurance for parents is an option that can help provide some relief during this difficult time.

In this simple guide, we will explore what burial insurance is, the types of policies available, their pros and cons, how to determine the coverage required, and how it differs from traditional life insurance. We’ll also discuss the process of purchasing burial insurance for parents in 2023.

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What is Burial Insurance?

Burial insurance, also known as funeral insurance or final expense insurance, is a type of insurance policy designed to cover the costs associated with a person’s funeral and burial. This insurance is typically purchased to ensure that loved ones do not face the financial burden of these expenses when the insured individual passes away.


Unlike traditional life insurance policies that may provide substantial payouts, burial insurance is meant to cover specific end-of-life costs, offering peace of mind to the insured and their loved ones. 

Read More About: (Burial Insurance)

Burial Insurance for Parents: An Overview

When considering burial insurance for parents, it’s essential to understand that these policies are specifically tailored to meet the financial needs of the insured’s final arrangements. The purpose is to offer a sense of financial security to the family, allowing them to grieve without the added stress of funeral expenses. 

Here are some key points to consider: 

  • Age and Eligibility

Burial insurance is generally available to individuals between the ages of 50 and 85, making it a suitable option for many parents.

  • Simplified Underwriting

These policies often feature simplified underwriting, which means they may not require a medical exam, and acceptance is usually guaranteed.

  • Fixed Payout

Burial insurance policies typically offer a fixed death benefit, which is paid to the beneficiaries to cover funeral and burial expenses.

  • Premiums

Premiums are typically level, meaning they remain the same over the life of the policy. This offers predictability in terms of budgeting for the insurance.

Types of Burial Insurance Policies for Parents

There are two primary types of burial insurance policies for parents:

1- Guaranteed Issue Burial Insurance

This policy is typically available to individuals without the need for a medical exam or detailed health questions. The coverage amount is often limited, and premiums are relatively higher due to the lack of underwriting.

2- Simplified Issue Burial Insurance

In this type of policy, you may be required to answer some basic health questions but won’t undergo a medical exam. Premiums are generally more affordable, and the coverage amount can be higher than guaranteed issue policies.

Generally, there are also two types of burial insurance policies available for parents:

3- Pre-Need Funeral Insurance

This type of burial insurance is typically purchased directly from a funeral home or cemetery. The funds are set aside in advance to cover the predetermined funeral and burial expenses.

4- Final Expense Insurance

Final expense insurance is more flexible, as the policyholder can choose the beneficiaries, and the death benefit can be used for various end-of-life expenses, not just funeral costs.

Read More About: (Final expense insurance)

Pros and Cons of Burial Insurance for Parents


  • Financial Security: Burial insurance ensures that there is money available to cover funeral and burial expenses, relieving the family of the financial burden.
  • Guaranteed Acceptance: Many burial insurance policies offer guaranteed acceptance without the need for a medical exam, which can be appealing for parents with pre-existing health conditions.
  • Affordable Premiums: Premiums for burial insurance are often more affordable than traditional life insurance, making it accessible to many parents.
  • Simplicity: The application process is straightforward, and there are no complex underwriting requirements.


  • Limited Coverage: Burial insurance typically offers lower death benefits compared to regular life insurance policies.
  • Premiums May Be Higher: While premiums are generally affordable, they can be slightly higher compared to term life insurance of the same coverage amount.


How Much Burial Insurance Coverage Is Required For Parents?

Determining the appropriate amount of burial insurance coverage for your parents involves assessing the expected funeral and burial costs in your area. On average, funeral and burial expenses can range from $7,000 to $12,000 or more. To determine the appropriate coverage, consider the costs of a typical funeral and burial in your area and your parents’ specific wishes.


Moreover, it’s essential to consider factors such as the type of funeral service, casket, headstone, and any additional expenses, like memorial services.


Is there a difference between life insurance and burial insurance?

Yes, there is a significant difference between life insurance and burial insurance:


1- Purpose

Life insurance is designed to provide financial protection for the policyholder’s beneficiaries, covering various needs, including income replacement, mortgage payments, and educational expenses. In contrast, burial insurance is specifically intended to cover the costs of a person’s funeral and burial.


2- Coverage Amount

Life insurance policies typically offer higher coverage amounts, whereas burial insurance provides a smaller, fixed benefit.

3- Underwriting

Traditional life insurance often requires a thorough medical examination and has stricter underwriting requirements, while burial insurance typically offers guaranteed acceptance without the need for a medical exam.


Can I Buy Funeral Insurance for My Parents?

Yes, you can purchase burial insurance for your parents, provided they are within the eligible age range, and they consent to the policy. When buying burial insurance for your parents, consider their preferences and budget, ensuring that the coverage aligns with their final wishes.


How to Buy Burial Insurance for Parents

The process of buying burial insurance for your parents is relatively simple:


  • Research: Start by researching different insurance providers and the burial insurance policies they offer. Compare premiums, coverage, and policy terms.
  • Gather Information: You’ll need personal information about your parents, such as their names, dates of birth, and contact details.
  • Application: Fill out the application forms provided by the chosen insurance provider. In most cases, you’ll need to provide some medical information, though the underwriting process is typically less stringent than traditional life insurance.
  • Premium Payment: Pay the monthly or annual premium to keep the policy in force.
  • Review the Policy: Carefully review the policy documents to ensure you understand the terms and conditions.
  • Beneficiary Designation: Designate the beneficiaries who will receive the death benefit when the time comes.


Burial insurance for parents can provide peace of mind during a challenging time, ensuring that the financial aspects of funeral and burial expenses are taken care of. Understanding the types of policies available, their pros and cons, the necessary coverage amount, and the differences between burial insurance and traditional life insurance is essential when making this important decision. 

When you’re ready to purchase burial insurance for your parents, follow the straightforward process to secure their final wishes and protect your family from the financial burden of end-of-life expenses.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1- Can I buy burial insurance for my parents?

Yes, you can buy burial insurance for your parents with their consent, provided they meet the eligibility criteria set by the insurance company.

2- Is burial insurance a good idea?

Burial insurance can be a good idea if you want to ensure that your parents’ funeral and burial expenses are covered, reducing the financial burden on your family during an emotionally challenging time. However, it’s essential to carefully consider the costs and benefits before making a decision.

3- Can you buy burial insurance for someone else?

Yes, you can purchase burial insurance for someone else, such as your parents or another family member, with their consent. The insured person’s cooperation may be required during the application process.

4- How do premiums work for burial insurance?

Premiums for burial insurance are typically paid on a regular basis, either monthly or annually. The cost of premiums can vary based on the coverage amount, the type of policy, the insured person’s age, and the insurance provider. It’s important to budget for these premiums to ensure the policy remains in force.

5- Are there any health examinations for burial insurance?

In many cases, burial insurance policies do not require a comprehensive medical examination. However, some policies may involve answering basic health questions. These questions are designed to assess the overall health of the insured, but they are typically not as detailed or stringent as those for traditional life insurance.

6- What happens if the insured passes away during the waiting period?

Many burial insurance policies have a waiting period, usually the first two years after the policy is issued. If the insured person passes away during this waiting period, the insurance company may not pay the full death benefit. Instead, they might refund the premiums paid or provide a partial benefit, depending on the policy terms. After the waiting period, the full coverage is typically in effect.





Here is our expert author, Kyle, your go-to source for simplified insights into the world of life insurance. With years of industry experience, Kyle delivers concise and approachable content, ensuring you navigate the complexities with confidence.

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