Open Care Senior Insurance Plan: Reviews in 2023

Last Updated on: October 11, 2023

Reviewed by Kyle Wilson

Insurance plan

Let’s explore Open Care Senior Plan insurance together, focusing on their burial or final expense life insurance products designed for you, the seniors.

We will evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of their final expense insurance products to assist you in making an informed decision

Once you’ve read our Open Care life insurance review, you can determine if their burial insurance products align with your insurance requirements.

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Open Care Final Expense Coverage Plans, Who Are They

At Open Care Seniors, we make it easy for you to get the coverage you need. Skip the medical exam – our trusted and well-known independent insurance agency in Florida specializes in providing legitimate final expense life coverage designed just for you.


Is Open Care life insurance agency legit?

Need term life insurance or accidental death coverage? We’ve got you covered! Our Medicare plans offer alternatives to ensure you won’t outlive your money.


Open Care Senior Plan offers three types of life insurance products: 

  • Guaranteed issue life insurance,
  • Term life insurance, and 
  • Final expense insurance.

Term life insurance might not be your best bet since only 98% of policies actually pay out, leaving you at risk of outliving your coverage. These policies offer coverage from $25,000 to $500,000 for adults aged 18-75.


It’s hard finding information about this business but our research dug up some fascinating facts. They have a slew of TV commercials flaunting $25k in free benefits, exclusive to their services. Talk about persuasive advertising, right?


Open Care Final Expense Life Insurance is definitely not a plan to be taken lightly. The variety in their rates, with some as low as $7.49 per month, might surprise you. It’s crucial to consider your options carefully.


Another Gimmick? Also, READ THE FINE PRINT!!

Don’t fall for Colonial Penn’s $9.95 option. If someone in your family with this policy faces an issue, their coverage decreases as they age. It’s important to know this before you decide.


Ensure you choose a reputable company that guarantees end-of-life expenses. What you need is a life insurance policy that offers instant day-one coverage.

These policies maintain a consistent death benefit, unlike gimmicks such as Colonial Penn’s $9.95 Plan.


Talk to national independent agents like us and explore options from various companies. If your health is good to moderate, you can find far better choices than waiting period policies like Mutual of Omaha or Trinity Life.


What Is The Process Of Open Care Life Final Expense Plans

Open Care final expense plans offer a death benefit of up to $50,000. It’s a whole-life policy with fixed prices that never increase.


Indeed, you can have peace of mind, knowing your loved one’s final expenses are taken care of.


Most importantly, without any hassle or stress. In addition, it even builds cash value!


Open Care senior plan offers Insurance with two options to choose from.


The guaranteed acceptance plan ensures you won’t need to answer any medical or health questions. Approval is guaranteed, regardless of your current or past health condition.


Yet, there’s a 2-year waiting period before the death benefit kicks in. If you pass away during this time, no death benefit payments will be made.


Keep in mind, even if you can’t perform ALL of the activities of daily living and need home health care, we can assist you.


Monthly payments are typically much higher. Ensure this is your last option, and ALWAYS read the fine print.


On the other hand, simplified issue plans are designed for healthy applicants. All applicants need to answer basic medical questions about their health background, and their qualification depends on their responses.


These simplified issue life policies are usually better priced like AETNA/CVS Final Expense.


Open Care Final Expense Policy Details


Immediate CoverageGuaranteed Issue (2-year waiting period)
Age 18-85Age 25-85
No medical ExamNo medical Exam
Immediate Coverage2 Year Waiting Period
$2,000-$50,000 $2,000-$25,000
Lifetime CoverageLifetime Coverage, after 2 years
Simplified IssuedGuaranteed Acceptance
      Answer Health QuestionsNo Questions Asked 
Level Death BenefitLevel Death Benefit
Level PremiumsLevel Premiums


Find The Best Burial Insurance Rates State wise at Burial Senior Insurance

The type of Open care senior plans will be dependent on if you medically qualify.


The Open Care final expense plan caters to senior and end-of-life insurance needs. Unlike the regular Open Care plan, it doesn’t provide immediate coverage upon approval.


This is a guaranteed issue plan that doesn’t ask any health questions.


While it’s a whole life insurance policy, it doesn’t match the best options out there. Gerber Life provides a pretty good guaranteed issue plan. Yes, it’s from the baby food maker, Gerber Life.


Rather than imposing an extra two-year waiting period, during which your premiums are refunded with added interest (interest rates apply to death benefits)


In fact, we only offer these types of policies to consumers that have major health issues like heart disease, kidney disease, cancer, or dementia.


So if you don’t have these you should not be getting a two-year term waiting period policy.


Choose a level benefit whole life policy with affordable premiums to cover burial expenses, such as Mutual of Omaha Living Promise.


This ensures that when the day comes, you’ll be able to handle the funeral and other final expenses without worry.


We’re a national insurance brokerage, dedicated to finding the best carrier specific to your unique profile.


What Is Opencare Term life Policy

The insurance agency offers a temporary senior plan with a limit of $25,000 to $500,000 for adults aged 18-75, suitable for temporary needs. Opencare’s life insurance policy, on the other hand, is term insurance available only to those who are medically qualified.


Although many don’t use this plan for funeral costs, Open Care Final Expense plans are excellent for covering temporary needs such as living expenses.


For example, if you happen to die before your mortgage is paid off and have term life insurance plans available which provide additional benefits for the life of the term.


Yet, there’s no guaranteed acceptance plan available. So, it’s crucial to check your eligibility before applying!


If you are looking for life insurance for your grandparents, be sure to shop around to cover final expenses.


Open Care Final Expense Insurance Plans, How Do They Work

The Open Care senior plan offers final expense life insurance or burial insurance for peace of mind. It’s similar to regular life insurance, but with a significant advantage: no medical exam required.


Simply purchase a policy, and you’re all set – it covers everything, from headstones to urns for cremation ceremonies. This way, when someone close passes away, there are no unanswered questions at their funeral home reception desk. It’s as straightforward as a Gerber life policy.


Get the best burial insurance and never worry about outliving your death benefit, unlike a term life insurance plan.

Open Care Senior Plan Final Expense whole life provides:


  • Permanent protection, Enjoy permanent protection as long as you keep up with your premiums. No cancellations due to age or health issues; –


  • No premium increases for LIFETIME! No lifetime premium increases! This burial policy is crafted to be worry-free at any age; it’s an investment for both today and tomorrow, forever! 


  • First-day coverage covers the full regardless of its natural causes like cancer(or accidental) death. Even though we’re talking about life here but hey who knows what could happen anymore so why to take chances.


Burial life insurance guarantees all your needs are met. The Open Care senior plan provides $5K to 50k in protection, without a medical exam. It’s never too late for peace of mind!


What are Open care Final Expense Plans Cost

How much does Open Care cost? Below we will compare Open Car rates to the best rates we offer.

The policy price varies based on factors like your health history.


If you’re healthy, you don’t need to worry about rate increases. They offer an affordable base package starting at $7.49 per month.


If you haven’t smoked in the past 12 months, this includes you, whether you’re a non-smoker or used to smoke.


If you require more healthcare or need a higher coverage amount than what’s in the basic plan, the prices can become quite costly for you!


Below I’ve listed some examples given my own personal experience shopping around online. These are a comparison of Open Care best rates versus the best rates available:


Open Care Senior Plan Rate Comparison Female $8000


AgeFemale N/SFemale SmokerFemale N/S Best RateFemale Smoker Best Rate


Open Care Senior Plan Rate Comparison Male




AgeMale N/SMale SmokerMale N/S Best RateMale Smoker Best Rate


As you can see, the Open Care Senior Plan is consistently 25% higher in price than the best rates in the industry.


What You Need To Look Out For Before Buying A Open Care Final Expense Policy

Just so you know, there’s a waiting period you should be aware of. Open Care makes it clear that they won’t deny a death benefit for their product, especially if you’re 85 years old or younger. They often highlight this feature in their advertisements.


However, keep in mind that with guaranteed issue life insurance plans, there’s always a 2-year waiting period before your application kicks in. This isn’t too shabby, considering that most policies these days offer at least this much protection.


If your loved one, who was 40 years old or older, has passed away, it’s likely they didn’t have an Open Care policy – which might be a good thing. This prevents the possibility of being denied a death benefit.


Below you will find other final expense insurance companies to avoid.


Pros and Cons Of Open Care Final Expense Plan

If you’re a senior citizen seeking a way to cover funeral and burial expenses, Open Care Burial Insurance is an excellent option for you.


When you choose for the Open Care Senior Plan, a licensed funeral director will assist you with everything, from the viewing to the burial.


You have the freedom to pick from multiple plans, tailored to match the coverage you desire for your funeral and burial expenses.


You have a range of choices, including open-casket funerals, cremation services, and personalized caskets with family photos and mementos.


The care cost of an open casket funeral varies depending on where it’s held – at home or a funeral home or chapel – but most range between $5,000 and $10,000 per service (plus any other fees).


Additionally, you can arrange an open-casket viewing before your funeral. This option is especially useful if close family members can’t attend your service or live too far away.


This choice can ease tension that might have built up over the past 30 years as you’ve dealt with guilt and grief related to your passing.


Open Care Senior Plan Pros and Cons


First Day Coverage (Strict UW)No an Insurance Company (That They Portray)
Online Application (Cant see rates until you provide information)Not transparent on companys they sell
No Medcial Exam RequiredLook back of 4 years on health (Most carriers have a two year look back)
Seniors up to age 90 can applyThey advertise super low rates (Based on $2,000, age 50)
Credit Card payments/checkingHighly Deceptive ads
Living Benefits Rider (Cancer, Heart Attack, Stroke)Extremely Overpriced
🤷‍♂️Confusing Unit System
🤷‍♂️Lots of negative reviews online


Why Open Care Final Expense Plan Is NOT the Best Place To Purchase Final Expense Insurance

The only reliable way to determine a company’s reputation and trustworthiness appears to be through negative reviews online


However, since their website doesn’t feature any negative reviews, you have no option but to accept their statements at face value when they say things like “we offer great service.”


We cannot always be too careful about who we trust in this world where bad news seems inevitable!


However, it’s important to note that having multiple insurance companies offering similar burial life insurance coverage can help you secure an affordable price without compromising quality. Make sure to compare offers from each firm individually before making your final decision.


We often recommend life insurance companies such as American Amicable, AETNA CVS/Health from Accendo Life Insurance Company, and Mutual of Omaha.


We also collaborate with carriers like Prosperity Life Group (considering only cigarettes as tobacco rates), Liberty Bankers Life (ideal for Bipolar Disorder/COPD), and Guarantee Trust Life (up to age 90) offering a limited graded death benefit.


Open Care Life Insurance Facts

Open Care life insurance policies offer temporary term coverage ranging from $25,000 to $500,000 for adults aged 18 to 75.


If you qualify medically, Open Care life insurance agency offers term life insurance policies.


Open Care life insurance plan includes an option to cover short-term obligations, although most people don’t use it for funeral expenses.


Before applying for Open Care Senior life insurance or an Open Care Final Expense Plan, make sure to verify your eligibility, as there are no guaranteed acceptance options.


Read all Open Care Final Expense reviews to be sure you’re eligible.


Here are some key factors about Open Care Life Insurance:

  • Our coverage starts at $2,000 and goes up to a maximum of $50,000 through Open Care Final Expense plans. 


  • Open Care Senior offers senior living plans, including whole and term life insurance. 


  • There is a 2-year waiting period for Open Care policies.


  • You don’t need to take a medical exam to qualify. 


  • This policy is ideal for seniors without existing life insurance coverage.

Is Opencare Final Expense Plans Worth It?

Here’s how to calculate: Suppose a female age 60 decides to buy a $10,000 final expense insurance. She will pay $32/month to ensure her family has $10,000 for any final expenses. She will be at risk of: 


Death within two years If the insured passes away within the first two years of her policy, despite paying 24 monthly premiums of $32 each, her family will receive a lump-sum payment of $10,000 upon her death.


Living to age 85 Our insured would have paid $9600 in premiums if she lived to age 85 because she would have paid: 25 years x 12 months x 32 = $9600, but her family would receive a $10,000 benefit.



The Open Care Senior insurance plan offers excellent coverage for your loved ones. It’s affordable and provides a variety of coverage options to choose from.


If you’re seeking affordable coverage for your loved ones, this is an excellent option to consider. has a team of experienced licensed agents passionate about finding the best life burial insurance policy for you. In fact, no matter your health or current condition.


We have a great deal of experience in this field, we are wholeheartedly dedicated to providing the best possible service to our customers.


We trust you found the information in this post helpful. If you have any questions about our final expense plan, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us.


You can reach us at [email protected] or call us at 800-718-4568 and we will be happy to answer your questions!


We are a family-owned independent agency dedicated to securing the best deals for you. Our focus is on no waiting period policies, ensuring families’ peace of mind.



Here is our expert author, Kyle, your go-to source for simplified insights into the world of life insurance. With years of industry experience, Kyle delivers concise and approachable content, ensuring you navigate the complexities with confidence.

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