MetLife Final Expense Insurance: Overview and Benefits

Last Updated on: October 25, 2023

Reviewed by Kyle Wilson

MetLife Final Expense Insurance Overview and Benefits

In life’s grand tapestry, we all share one common thread – our journey’s end. It’s a topic we often shy away from, but one that deserves our thoughtful consideration. Imagine, for a moment, a world where your final chapter is written with grace, where your loved ones can bid you farewell without the weight of financial worry. This is where MetLife’s Final Expense Insurance steps in.

As we navigate the winding path of existence, thinking about the end might seem daunting. But, as responsible individuals, we have the power to make this transition smoother for those we cherish. MetLife, a trusted name in insurance, offers a solution that not only eases the burden on your family but does so with simplicity and accessibility.

In this guide, we will explore the world of MetLife Final Expense Insurance, unveiling the benefits, drawbacks, and everything in between. It’s time to embark on a journey where planning for the inevitable becomes an act of love, a gift you leave behind.

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Does MetLife Offer Final Expense Insurance?

Yes, MetLife does offer Final Expense Insurance. It is a renowned insurance company with a long-standing reputation for providing various insurance products. Among its offerings is the Final Expense Insurance policy, designed to help individuals plan for their end-of-life expenses. MetLife is a reputable insurance company with a history of providing various insurance solutions, including this specific policy.


The convenience and peace of mind that MetLife Final Expense Insurance offers make it a viable option for those looking to secure financial security for their family during a challenging time. Whether you have specific health concerns or just want a straightforward way to plan for these expenses, MetLife’s Final Expense Insurance can be a valuable choice.


What Are The Benefits Of MetLife Final Expense Insurance?

MetLife Final Expense Insurance offers several benefits that make it a valuable choice for individuals looking to plan for their end-of-life expenses. These benefits include:


1- Financial Security

One of the primary advantages of MetLife Final Expense Insurance is the peace of mind it provides. It ensures that your family won’t have to bear the financial burden of your funeral, burial, or other final expenses. This can be particularly comforting during a challenging and emotional time.


2- Easy Application

MetLife simplifies the application process for Final Expense Insurance. Depending on the policy, you may not need to undergo a detailed medical examination. This ease of application can be a significant advantage, especially for those with pre-existing health conditions.


3- Customization

MetLife allows you to tailor your policy to meet your specific needs and budget. You can choose a coverage amount that aligns with your financial goals, ensuring you’re not overpaying for coverage you don’t require.


4- Guaranteed Acceptance

MetLife offers guaranteed acceptance policies, which means that even individuals with pre-existing health conditions can secure coverage. This inclusivity can be a crucial benefit for those who might face challenges with traditional life insurance.


5- Level Premiums

With MetLife Final Expense Insurance, your premiums remain constant throughout the life of the policy. This predictability can help you budget effectively, knowing that your premiums won’t increase as you age.


The Disadvantages of MetLife Final Expense Insurance

While MetLife Final Expense Insurance offers valuable benefits, it’s essential to consider its disadvantages as well. Understanding both the pros and cons will help you make an informed decision. The disadvantages of MetLife Final Expense Insurance include:


1- Limited Coverage Amounts

Final Expense Insurance typically provides lower coverage amounts compared to other types of life insurance. This may not be sufficient to cover all your financial obligations, especially if you have significant debts or other financial responsibilities.


2- Higher Premiums for Older Applicants

The older you are when you apply for Final Expense Insurance, the higher your premiums are likely to be. This can make it more expensive, especially for seniors, and may not be the most cost-effective option for older individuals.


3- No Cash Value

Unlike some other life insurance policies, Final Expense Insurance does not accumulate cash value over time. It is primarily designed to cover end-of-life expenses and does not serve as an investment vehicle.


4- Waiting Period

Some policies have a waiting period before the full death benefit becomes payable. If the insured individual passes away during this waiting period, the beneficiaries may receive only a portion of the coverage amount or a return of premiums paid. This can be a drawback if you require immediate coverage.


5- Premium Costs

The premiums for Final Expense Insurance can be higher compared to other types of insurance, given the convenience and accessibility it offers. This might not be the most cost-effective solution for those in excellent health who can qualify for traditional life insurance policies.


What Does MetLife Final Expense Insurance Coverage Include?

MetLife Final Expense Insurance is designed to cover the costs associated with end-of-life expenses, providing financial assistance to your loved ones during a challenging time. This coverage includes:


Funeral Expenses: MetLife’s policy typically covers funeral costs, which can include expenses for the casket, burial plot, headstone, and other related services. This ensures that your family has the means to give you a dignified farewell.


Medical Bills: Outstanding medical bills can be a significant financial burden for your family after your passing. MetLife Final Expense Insurance can help cover these expenses, ensuring that your medical debts are taken care of.


Debts and Outstanding Loans: Any remaining debts, such as credit card bills, personal loans, or other financial obligations, can be covered by the insurance policy. This alleviates the stress on your family, as they won’t have to use their own resources to settle your outstanding debts.


Legal and Administrative Costs: After your passing, there are often legal and administrative expenses associated with the distribution of your estate and the settlement of your affairs. MetLife’s policy can help with these probate and administrative costs.


Miscellaneous Expenses: The policy can also cover any other financial burdens that your loved ones may face after your passing. This can include travel expenses for family members who need to come for the funeral or any other unforeseen expenses.


MetLife Final Expense Insurance provides a safety net to ensure that your family is not left with the financial stress of these end-of-life expenses. It allows you to plan for these costs and provide peace of mind to your loved ones during a challenging time.


MetLife Final Expense Insurance Costs

The cost of your MetLife Final Expense Insurance policy will depend on several factors, including age, coverage amount, gender, health status, and others. In this table, here is a general estimate of final expense coverage cost along with monthly premium. Let’s have a look! 


Age Coverage AmountMonthly Premiums 
50 $5,000$35

Remember that the cost of your Final Expense Insurance policy will depend on various factors, including your age, health status, coverage amount, and whether you’re a smoker. To get an accurate quote tailored to your specific situation, it’s advisable to contact MetLife directly or consult with an insurance agent. This will help you determine the precise cost of coverage based on your unique circumstances and requirements.


MetLife Final Expense Insurance vs MetLife Burial Insurance

MetLife offers both Final Expense Insurance and Burial Insurance, each designed to address the financial needs associated with end-of-life expenses. While they share similarities, there are distinct differences between these two types of insurance. Let’s compare MetLife Final Expense Insurance and MetLife Burial Insurance:


MetLife Final Expense Insurance

  • Coverage Amount: Final Expense Insurance typically offers a higher coverage amount, which can range from a few thousand dollars to tens of thousands of dollars. This higher coverage amount is designed to address not only burial expenses but also other end-of-life costs, such as medical bills, outstanding debts, and administrative expenses.


  • Underwriting: Final Expense Insurance often has more lenient underwriting requirements. This means you may not be required to undergo a detailed medical examination, making it more accessible for individuals with health concerns.


  • Premiums: The premiums for Final Expense Insurance may be slightly higher compared to Burial Insurance for the same coverage amount. However, this difference in premium can be justified by the broader coverage and easier underwriting.


MetLife Burial Insurance

  • Coverage Amount: Burial Insurance typically offers lower coverage amounts, which are specifically designed to cover funeral and burial expenses. It may not provide coverage for other end-of-life costs like medical bills or outstanding debts.


  • Underwriting: Burial Insurance may have stricter underwriting requirements, potentially requiring a detailed medical examination. This could make it more challenging to qualify for, especially for individuals with pre-existing health conditions.


  • Premiums: The premiums for Burial Insurance are generally lower compared to Final Expense Insurance for the same coverage amount. However, the limited coverage might not be sufficient for individuals with broader financial responsibilities.


In summary, the choice between MetLife Final Expense Insurance and MetLife Burial Insurance should be based on your specific needs, health status, and budget. Final Expense Insurance offers higher coverage, easier underwriting, and a broader range of expenses covered. Burial Insurance, on the other hand, offers lower premiums but may only cover funeral and burial expenses. Consider your individual circumstances and financial responsibilities when making your decision to ensure your choice aligns with your requirements.


Final Thoughts

MetLife Final Expense Insurance can provide valuable financial security, ensuring that your end-of-life expenses don’t burden your loved ones. While it has its advantages, such as easy application and guaranteed acceptance, it’s essential to be aware of its limitations, like limited coverage amounts and potentially higher premiums for older applicants.


Before purchasing any insurance policy, it’s crucial to thoroughly assess your needs and compare options. MetLife offers a reputable solution, but it’s wise to consult with a financial advisor or insurance professional to make an informed decision that aligns with your unique circumstances.



Here is our expert author, Kyle, your go-to source for simplified insights into the world of life insurance. With years of industry experience, Kyle delivers concise and approachable content, ensuring you navigate the complexities with confidence.

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